
A digital fingerprint is a unique digital identifier

This is a NFT collection of 10 000 unique digital fingerprints created based on the algorithm for generating basic rings using a noise texture. Like human fingerprints, you can now use them for the Web3 and Metaverse era as digital biometric information on The Open Network.



Marketplace getgems

10 000

NFT Fingerprints

Designed for the TON and intended for digital biometric information

NFT Fingerprints

Unique identifier

Based on the uniqueness of the pattern of papillary lines.



The percentage of sales is returned to the project account when the work is sold on the NFT market



When buying a token, 33% of the royalty amount is blocked on a special smart contract DAO and this is an integral part of its capitalization

White Paper



Every Fingerprint can be composed of up to 10 properties:

Count, area, perimeter, ellipse Major, Minor and Angle, circularity, integrated density, skewness, kurtosis – a property of truly unique pieces.

Line counter

Number of lines per fingerprint area


Fingerprint area in % of total area


The length of the outer curve of the papillary pattern

Major axis

Primary axis of the fingerprint ellipse

Minor axis

Secondary axis of the fingerprint ellipse


Angle is the angle between the primary axis and a line parallel to the X-axis of the fingerprint


A value of 1.0 indicating a perfect circle

Integrated density

The sum of the values of the pixels in the image fingerprint


The third order moment about the mean


The fourth order moment about the mean


Every Fingerprint can be composed of up to 10 properties:

Count, area, perimeter, ellipse Major, Minor and Angle, circularity, integrated density, skewness, kurtosis – a property of truly unique pieces.

Line counter

Number of lines per fingerprint area


Fingerprint area in % of total area


The length of the outer curve of the papillary pattern

Major axis

Primary axis of the fingerprint ellipse

Minor axis

Secondary axis of the fingerprint ellipse


Angle is the angle between the primary axis and a line parallel to the X-axis of the fingerprint


A value of 1.0 indicating a perfect circle

Integrated density

The sum of the values of the pixels in the image fingerprint


The third order moment about the mean


The fourth order moment about the mean


Fingerprint #1

Count 1
Area 9.60500
Perimeter 5831.22119
Major 406.66583
Minor 300.72519
Angle 90.25871
Circularity 0.03550
Integrates density 24492750.00000
Skewness -0.67350
Kurtosis -1.54639



This is Web3 authentication for NFT Fingeprints, created after the publication and sale of the collection

A service with an interconnected value, focused on verifiability, privacy when accessing projects on The Open Network.




Each fingerprint is created based on the accumulated data within a single generation session

Function of accumulation of information about the papillary pattern

float a=0.;
vecN h = vecN(floor(5.*iTime), 0.);
for(int i=0; i<X; i++){
    float s=sign(h.x);
    h = hashN(h)*vecN(15.,20.);
    a += s*atan(uv.x-h.x, uv.y-h.y);

Random center function

uv += 20.*abs(hash2(h));

Spiral pattern generation function

a+=atan(uv.y, uv.x);

Fingerprint Width

float w = 0.8; 

Smoothness of the pattern

float s = min(0.3,p);

Base ring length function

float l = length(uv)+0.319*a;

Noise generation function

	p = vec2( dot(p,vec2(63.31,127.63)), dot(p,vec2(395.467,213.799)) );
	return -1.0 + 2.0*fract(sin(p)*43141.59265);


Each SVG contains information about the NFT: collection description, creation date, author
    xmlns:rdf = ""
    xmlns:rdfs = ""
    xmlns:dc = ""
    xmlns:cc = "">
    <cc:license rdf:resource=""/>
    <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description about=""
      dc:title="TON Fingerprints"
      dc:description="This is a unique digital fingerprint created based on the algorithm for generating basic rings using a noise texture. Like human fingerprints, you can now use it for the Web3 and Metaverse era as digital biometric information."
      dc:publisher="MIR | Machine Intelligence Research"
      dc:language="en" >

Price policy

Pricing for the 1 Stage presale is based on the arithmetic mean — this is the average value of an attribute attribute, when calculating which the total amount of the attribute in the aggregate is evenly distributed among all its units. For each Stage of presales, no more than 10% of the rarity attribute.

Price policy

Pricing for the 1 Stage presale is based on the arithmetic mean — this is the average value of an attribute attribute, when calculating which the total amount of the attribute in the aggregate is evenly distributed among all its units. For each Stage of presales, no more than 10% of the rarity attribute.

Price dynamics

A total of 6 Stages Presales are planned. Each subsequent Stage +25% of the price of the previous stage.

For example in Stage 1, Fingerprints rarity 10.85%, price 0.822 💎.

  • Stage 2, price 1,096 💎
  • Stage 3, price 1,461 💎
  • Stage 4, price 1,948 💎
  • Stage 5, price 2,597 💎
  • Stage 6, price 3,462 💎

Distribution and Pricing Table


Amount Price Total 0 20 40 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Stages Price, TON
Stage Amount Price Total
1 195 0.82 89.15
2 108 0.83 89.2
3 90 1.01 90.89
4 88 1.03 90.3
5 88 1.03 90.52
6 82 1.11 91.07
7 66 1.4 92.65
8 108 1.75 188.46
9 41 1.87 76.77
10 127 1.94 245.96
11 92 2.07 190.8
12 84 2.36 197.99
13 64 3.47 222.17
14 106 3.93 416.82
15 38 5.25 199.41
16 36 5.75 206.93
17 297 0.82 89.15
18 324 0.83 267.6
19 271 1.01 273.68
20 267 1.03 273.63
21 266 1.03 273.63
22 248 1.11 275.44
23 70 1.1 76.69
24 16 1.1 17.62
25 10 1.35 13.47
26 14 1.37 19.15
27 16 1.37 21.94
28 20 1.48 29.62
29 13 1.87 24.33
30 9 2.33 20.94
31 7 2.5 17.48
32 8 2.58 20.66
33 6 2.77 16.59
34 12 3.14 37.71
35 10 4.63 46.29
36 11 5.24 57.67
37 12 7 83.96
38 14 7.66 107.3
39 54 1.46 78.88
40 45 1.47 66.07
41 34 1.8 61.04
42 46 1.82 83.91
43 40 1.83 73.15
44 33 1.97 65.16
45 27 2.5 67.38
46 2 3.1 6.2
47 15 3.33 49.93
Reserved for airdrop
Reserved for core




Reserved for core


Reserved for airdrop

10 000



Reserved for airdrop
Reserved for core




Reserved for airdrop


Reserved for core

10 000



As immersed in the everyday issues of creating digital technologies and business solutions based on them, we believe in Web3 technology, and that is why we are in this for a long time! However, the entire journey of the NFT Fingerprint project will be determined by the choice of the community.


Q2 2022

The genesis stage of 10 000 Fingerprints will be held live, after the launch of the marketplace on the TON network. Distribution to early community members and project evangelists.


Q3 2022

10 000 TON from the sale of the collection are sent to the community contract. The development of an ecosystem for the use of NFT Fingerprints is being initialized.


Q4 2022

Launching a service for authentication using NFT and using metadata to fulfill the necessary access conditions.

Beta version

Q1 2023

Launch of the beta version of the platform for connecting to The Open Network wallets and NFT authentication



TON Fingerprints project is led by a team of enthusiastic entrepreneurs, artists, designers and developers. Our mission is to push the boundaries of blockchain technology and combine the real with the digital world, creating a collection that can be used for the era of Web3 and Metaverse, as digital biometric information.

Roman Inozemtsev


Manages all aspects and levers of value creation within the framework of a complete digital transformation, brings inspiration and expertise for tokenization

Grigory Slynko

Grigory Slynko

Progressive thinker

He is looking for opportunities to transform the business through digitalization and is moving towards a fully digital strategy and operating model

Alexander Menchik

Alexander Menchik

Collectors’ Advocate

Focuses on developing a user-friendly, engaging and hassle-free consumer experience across all channels, online and physical

Yaroslav Loginov

Yaroslav Loginov

Creative destroyer

Works to increase revenue and profitability through competitive differentiation

Danil Dashkevich

Danil Dashkevich


Increases operational efficiency and digitizes everyday work processes, also manages the processes of internal cultural change

Maxim Chernichenko

Maxim Chernichenko


Focused on digital strategy development and innovation around the perimeter


TON Fingerprints project is led by a team of enthusiastic entrepreneurs, artists, designers and developers. Our mission is to push the boundaries of blockchain technology and combine the real with the digital world, creating a collection that can be used for the era of Web3 and Metaverse, as digital biometric information.

Roman Inozemtsev


Manages all aspects and levers of value creation within the framework of a complete digital transformation, brings inspiration and expertise for tokenization

Grigory Slynko

Grigory Slynko

Progressive thinker

He is looking for opportunities to transform the business through digitalization and is moving towards a fully digital strategy and operating model

Alexander Menchik

Alexander Menchik

Collectors’ Advocate

Focuses on developing a user-friendly, engaging and hassle-free consumer experience across all channels, online and physical

Yaroslav Loginov

Yaroslav Loginov

Creative destroyer

Works to increase revenue and profitability through competitive differentiation

Danil Dashkevich

Danil Dashkevich


Increases operational efficiency and digitizes everyday work processes, also manages the processes of internal cultural change

Maxim Chernichenko

Maxim Chernichenko


Focused on digital strategy development and innovation around the perimeter